Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Plagued with hard water in Providence

A letter writer recently sent a missive to a local Providence newspaper with a call for help attached: her shower, she insisted, was acting up: a device that delivered a steady stream for years had gradually dried up with no apparent cause, other than her supposedly haunted home in a historic district of the capital city – or so the story goes.

It wasn’t some kind of local hex, but just a combination of time and hard water: the deposits from the hard water in her local well had accumulated on the shower head and blocked its pores until it seemed like the water pressure had been turned down by some invisible hand.  The attendant Providence plumber, sent out by a benevolent city desk reporter at the weekly paper, found that the problem could have been easily avoided.

Soaking a shower head in vinegar or a similar substance can rid your shower head of gunk and make it work like new again.  It can be hard for a homeowner to tell whether the problem is hard water deposits or a broken shower head, and so Providence plumbers (as well as those elsewhere) often have to inform their clients about what their repair needs actually are.  But if your shower has been reduced to a drizzle over a matter of months, it doesn’t hurt to try the easiest solution first, and do a quick water deposits check before getting a plumbing shop to do design-intensive work.

Either way, just like the original damsel in distress, for whom the local Providence plumbing shop ran to the rescue, you can benefit from a little sound advice from professionals to get your shower up and running quickly, or to give you the lowdown on the best fixes for an ailing shower.

If anything ever goes wrong ever, always contact a local plumbing expert to help you with your home's internal workings!

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