Monday, January 12, 2009

Myths And Facts About Household Fires

Fire is a deadly threat to every household. It can strike without warning. There were over 380,000 residential fires in 2005 in the U.S. annually results in some 16,000 injuries and deaths as reported by the NFPA. We must all be prepared by using fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and escape ladders for fire protection.

Smoke alarms provide early warning when fire happens. Smoke alarms are best, most efficient way to alert your family of a fire in its beginning stages. The greater number of smoke alarms you have placed throughout you home the better the likelihood you and your family will be alerted to a fire.

Your fire extinguisher is a tool that should only be used to extinguish small contained fires. Strategically positioning fire extinguishers throughout your home will greatly increase the chances of keeping a small fire from getting out of control and causing major damage, injury or even death.

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) categorizes fire extinguishers. The ratings determine what size and type of fire that an extinguisher should be used on. Fires are classified under three categories A,B, or C."A" class fires consist of mainly wood paper and or fabric as the fuel source. "B" type fires are primarily flammable liquids and oil based fires. Finally, "C" type fires are energized electrical fires.

The number preceding the A, B, or C rating determines the size fire the extinguisher has been tested to be effective on. A 10-B:C extinguisher has been tested to, under most conditions, put out a 25 square foot fire of either flammable liquid or energized electrical equipment. A 5-B:C fire extinguisher is rated to fight a 12.5 square foot fire that is flammable liquid or electrical based.

Proper preparation of your home by the use of fire extinguishers and smoke detectors as well as having well thought out escape plan and rehearsing it and having each family member knowing what to do can help to save your home and family.Tragedies caused by fire can be prevented!

It is recommended that homeowners install a minimum of one smoke detector on each floor of your house most importantly near sleeping areas. Another good idea is to place an emergency escape ladder on every floor above the main level. It is also smart to install a fire extinguisher in a convenient location on each level. If you have a large home, you should consider more than one extinguisher per level

The minimum protection for most homes includes installing one smoke alarm and one fire extinguisher on each level. However, check your local building code for detailed smoke alarm and CO alarm requirements.

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