Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pat Testers- Great tool to test your electrical equipments easily

Pat or Portable Appliance Test is an protection assertion trial that is executed on standard intervals on the electrical equipments.

Errors may take place in any electrical appliances that may not be readily marked. For example: due to the inner worsening of the electrical connections or due to their misuse. One of the most usual ways to sense these kinds of flaw is by the use of the Portable appliance Tester or more regularly called PAT Testers.

You need to be very cautious when operating with the electrical machines and thus should ensure that the appliance is harmless for use. There are many kinds of equipment that require testing at frequent interludes to ensure constant shelter. The pause for checking the instruments relies mainly on the sort and the surroundings where the equipments is being used in.

In low menace milieu, a rationally trained associate can effect these trials using a appropriate PAT tester, whereas in higher hazard areas, a highly qualified expert might be needed to carry out complex checks.

On the basis of the UK provision, it is known that “Every employer must ensure that work instruments is build in a manner that is proper for the idea for which it is ambiance.” This means that the employers primarily should make sure the safety of all the electrical apparatus along with their preservation and good form.

The PAT testers can be used for do following checks:

• Bonding Test This trial is surroundings for checking the earth connection to metal covering of an appliance.

• Earth leakage Test The check is executed mainly to show the current leakage in the various appliances by simply checking the variant in the current flowing into the phase and its neutral connections.

• Insulation test This trial is used mainly to check the appliance’s insulation consistency. The insulation resistor must hold up a high current (500 V dc| 2 MW) for five second.

• Flash test The Flash test is used mainly to depict the response of the insulation to the ac voltage which gives a warning for the insulation problems.

• Operation VA test This test suggests that electrical equipment is in a good operating state and not absorbing excessive current.

The routine trial of all those electrical applications is necessary which are used especially in the grave surrounds such as building sites, etc. as a safety requirement. The user of these electrical instruments should be reliable enough so as to check their status before using them for the various related intent. It is reasonably easy for people to speculate and report signs of Overheating, impairment and misuse with PAT Testers.

The most important examination of electrical applications is through a regular visual inspection. Someone who has been properly taught to carry out a thorough check of the electrical equipment must perform this test. This may include investigation of fuses, cable, plugs and terminations etc. Electrical testing with PAT testers is a relatively easier way of testing the equipments. Generally, there aren’t any specific periods for carrying out these check on the electrical applications, however these check should be performed more frequently so as to avoid the unnecessary impairment or casualties of the instruments. The smaller check for the lower menace area like offices or house should be executed less frequently than the period of the trial performed in the higher danger areas like industries etc.

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