Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Silent Predator: Damp and Mold in the Home

You'd be forgiven for thinking that people in the Western World live in relatively good conditions - but I bet most people didn't know that around 40% of homes in the UK, Canada and across the EU are infected with damp and toxic mould.Every time I've moved house I've seen several quite disgusting places with serious mould problems.However the majority of folks don't even know about the problem.  Damp and mould problems are often in hidden corners of your home and many times it resides inside walls where you can’t see it. 

Health problems
Mould arising from damp walls and structures can cause a scary range of health problems.Often people suffer from allergies and cold-like symptomes such as itchy eyes and sneezing.It can be a nightmare for asthma sufferers, and there's even been a study connecting it with causing asthma during childhood.There have also been cases of serious respiratory illness arising from damp.  Another recent study even revealed a connection between mold and depression

So how does this silent predator manage to infect so many homes?  Well the first thing to say is a bit of mould is entirely normal and can be found everywhere.  But the real problems occur when it is allowed to spread and develop fungal spores.The buildup of fungal spores and mold happens when high humidity combines with poor ventilation.  Moisture builds up in a home from baths and showers, tumble dryers and cooking.  But it needs a place to go!Inadequate ventilation sometimes occurs because builders don't take care to properly damp proof a new house.Often there aren't sufficient air vents in a property.  This is becoming more and more common these days as we seal up our homes to keep the heat in and reduce energy costs.

What to do about it
With all the problems associated with mold all of us should be concerned with preventing it. It's not just for people who already have damp problems.Left unchecked it becomes a lot harder - and costlier - to deal with.  Here are some top tips on how to avoid damp buildup in your home or workplace:


  1. Dry up any build up of condensation you notice around the house within 24-48 hours.Don't forget - mold cannot survive without water in the atmosphere.
  2. Give the moisture in your house an escape route by getting proper ventilation.  Consider installing air vents or opening a window after showers.
  3. Insulate cold surfaces where condensation might collect, such as windows, pipes, roofs and external walls.
  4. It’s well worth considering investing in one of the many dehumidifiers out there to remove moisture from the atmosphere.  Certain portable air conditioners also do the job, with the added bonus of keeping you cool in the summer.
  5. Be aware of your legal rights.Once mold problems get serious they can cause serious problems that could cost you a lot. Check if your insurance policy covers mould damage. Those living in rented accomodation should ask their landlord to have damp and mold professionally looked at.


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