Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Deck Design options and hot tubs

There are many options of deck designs which is getting more popular these days. We are really spoilt for choice!


Deck design features a number of materials such as concrete, stone, tile, etc. In looking through deck designs there are some beautiful examples of pool deck design using wood. Why decide on wood? 


Concrete and wood are a similar price for basic details. Tiles are more expensive and are only really suitable for frost-free climates. Stained wood with spaced joints are normally fairly slip resistant. There are really two things that will dictate choice and these are budget and suitability.


Privacy screens can be a really nice addition to a deck design as long as there is a good balance between achieving privacy and completely shutting out the space around us.


An area roughly 12x12 minimum should be allowed for the deck design in which to place the hot tub. The tub should be situated in a private location in the garden! It is great to be close to the house entrance.


Besides the tub being placed well, screened from view, and easy to get in and out of the other thing to consider is that the hot tub should be level to the deck, or for choice about 18” above it.


It is a good idea to place some sort of seating arrangement nearby to the hot tub and then surround by a screen with maybe a pergola above it. The hot tub lid needs to be locked for the children's safety. 


Decking can also be used to build up to a swim spa which has been partly recessed into the ground. Decking combines well the hot tub cabinets. Hot tub cabinets come in a variety of colours which blend with different deck designs.  They come in a choose of mahogany, red wood or slate. These are all maintenance free cabinets so wont require any staining in the future.




Go the Distance in RI

In a state the size of Rhode Island, you might think there are only a few plumbers, but in fact, Providence plumbers,  can be found all over the state, and many of them will go the distance to serve their customers: they’ll not only make “house calls” but they will put a significant amount of energy into finding out how your home improvements can be done best.

To some citizens of the city of Providence, Providence plumbers are just that: Providence!  A Providence plumber can help rescue a failed system, prop up sagging pipes, or do emergency work on a problematic water line.  All of these can be time sensitive jobs for an owner who may not know the first thing about plumbing (other than the old adage that water flows downhill).  Getting a RI plumber on-site is one of the best things you can do to keep your home in working order.

And for long-term maintenance on a home or property, a Providence plumbing contractor can be a lot like a R.I. doctor, making routine “house calls” to determine ongoing functionality, and taking phone calls in the interim to help give advice on how to keep the home working smoothly.

That’s why a busy homeowner in RI will want to set up an ongoing relationship with local plumbers that can save money in the long run.  Especially for those who are administrating more than one building, a “go-to” shop can really save some bucks.  As the plumber gets very familiar with the property by visiting and dealing with the same units, the owner gets more savvy about the way his/her existing systems work by getting consistent, reliable feedback from the same legitimate source: all of that is something you can bank on for the long haul.

So, doing your homework and setting up longevity with a Rhode Island plumbing outfit can be really good for any real estate needs, or to safely and comfortably enjoy the homes we work so hard to get and keep.

Guides To Choose The Best Parrot Cages!

Once you've got your parrot, it will become your immediate family member for a long time, so if you are ever care about your parrot, you should be very sure that your parrot gets the best living conditions you could get.

Seeing how his bird cage will be his home for the most part of his life (unfortunately, leaving even the best trained parrots fly freely through the house poses a real danger to them, or is a potential risk for them to run away), hence choosing the appropriate parrot cages is a very important task

The first criteria of choosing the appropriate parrot cages should obviously be the bird cage's size.The parrot cages' size is advisable to be directly proportional to the parrot size. By sticking a large macaw in a smaller cage will not only make your parrot uncomfortable, but it will in fact affect its health and mood in a negative way, for more obvious reasons.

However, this doesn't say that smaller birds is necessary to have small cages either. In fact, the larger the cage, the happier the parrot will be! Of course, you might not be able to fit the largest bird cages due to your house's decorations , you can try finding a small room that has ample space for a parrot cage, placing it there would be much better rather than on “traditional”, smaller places.

And even if you are able to get the largest of parrot cages from market, I want you to remember that it is still a CAGE. Give your parrot the freedom to fly (around the house, make sure that all windows or doors are well closed or else it might escape through them) will do heaps of good for his liveliness, mood and health. Try keeping an eye for discounts on parrot cages too because this will certainly save you a hell of a money.

Make sure when you're choosing the appropriate parrot cages, the parrot cages' shape is something you'll need to keep in mind. You might have noticed that most traditional cages have a cylindrical shape, having a greater height than their length.

It is very bad for your parrot, since it's unable to fly around (they can't fly straight up or straight down, can they?).

Vertical cages have an edge of advantage, because they allow the parrot to climb up and down on the bars, which offers a better compensation to the fact that they can't exercise otherwise.

The materials from which the bars and cage door are made of is also one of the main consideration when you're choosing the appropriate parrot cages. Some bird cages are made of poor plastics or toxic metals and since most parrots have the bad habit of chewing everything surrounding them, the negative effects these cages could cause are pretty obvious. Moreover, quality material bird cages also reflect better for your overall home decoration.

Although these are the one of the main parameters you should focus on whenever you're choosing a parrot cage, you might want to pay more attention to further details, how easily are parrot cages maintained (it depends alot on the material used for the cage), the ability to attach perches and accessories directly to the cage, its bar spacing (you should make sure that your parrot won't get caught between the bars in case they are too tight) and having a secure door.

Most importantly, you should always think from your parrot's point of view when choosing the appropriate parrot cages, asking yourself what would make him more comfortable and happy. But make sure you also don't put a hole on your wallet when you choosing the appropriate parrot cages, it's best you do a research on the best offers on parrot cages for sale in the market before anything else!

Financing Your Master Bathroom Makeover

No matter what else happens, people will always need a place to live.  Invest in your home by completing remodeling projects like a master bath room renovation.  And, not only is this investment good for your future finances, but it has practical results for you in a more pleasant bathroom to relax and be yourself in.

Taking Out Loans

Taking out a loan could give you the additional funds you need to do your master bathroom renovations exactly how you want them.  It’s pretty commonly known that bathrooms and kitchens are the most expensive rooms to renovate.  Mainly this is due to the plumbing involved.  Other rooms only have to worry about electricity, or are filled with easily mobile pieces.  However, the bathroom is a major job, with features bolted in place.

Often, a loan is required to pay for all the renovations.  You can go to your bank and see what kind of loans they can offer you, but unless you have an excellent credit rating, you will be better off going to a professional lending institution for your loans.  Banks do not specialize in loans, so often cannot give the perks or lower interest rates of these professional lending institutions.  However, your bank may be able to give you a list of contractors they recommend for your master bath room renovation.

What’s The Monthly Payment?

When you go comparison shopping for any kind of loan, including a loan for master bathroom renovation, the bottom line you need to know is what they monthly payment is going to be.  When you go shopping, keep in mind that you are getting estimates only, because doing a master bathroom renovation my require more or less in the costs of materials or labor.

Use a few different contractor estimates to build your bathroom renovation loan amount.  Once you have your estimates, you can do a lot of comparison loan shopping online.

And after you get your loan, check with your accountant or local IRS tax preparer.  Doing home renovations could entitle you to a tax refund, rebate, or credit.

Bathroom Remodeling Advice - If your looking for a clean and exquisite addition to your bathroom remodeling project may I recommend the Fairmont Designs Vanities Collage product line. One of the most well-made and beautiful manufacturers of bathroom furniture on the market.

By: Chet Lystrom

PA Plumbing

Pittsburg’s not exactly a new city, and neither are all of the properties that line both sides of the bridge and everything else from west to east Pitt…and it’s disheartening to the local residents when they find the old maxim they call Murphy’s law also applies to their particular parcels…if something can go wrong, it will go wrong, and there’s no time like the present to look at your property and safeguard it against emergency repairs that can really add up to a whopping bill.

Sure, you can call your uncle, put what does he know about Pittsburgh pipes?  He may have been in the building business out in Monroeville in the 1970s, but that doesn’t mean he knows how to put in plumbing fixtures…and as for upgrades, bigger chores that deal with the “patchwork maintenance” you find all over the city?  Don’t get me started.  However much your uncle may have picked up about Pittsburg pipes, or pipes in any other corner of this great world of ours, he will not always be able to tell you when to apply that plumbers glue gunk to a loose connection, and how to fix your dripping faucet.

Anyhow, there’s more to Pittsburgh than pipes!  That’s right, there’s water heaters, washing machines, toilets, and much more out there, nevermind the other stuff, jobs like can unclogging a drain or doing a complete overhaul.

So when you’re in a bind due to bad plumbing, it’s time to call the Pittsburg plumber …a local Pittsburg plumbing shop can usually waltz right in and get right down to the fine print of what needs to be done, saving the property owner a headache and a lot of future bills.  So next time you’re broken down in Pittsburg PA, don’t bother your brother-in-law, your next door neighbor, your Little League coach or anybody else: call the Pittsburg plumbers, the pros, and sit back and let them fix your home up like new.

The Silent Predator: Damp and Mold in the Home

You'd be forgiven for thinking that people in the Western World live in relatively good conditions - but I bet most people didn't know that around 40% of homes in the UK, Canada and across the EU are infected with damp and toxic mould.Every time I've moved house I've seen several quite disgusting places with serious mould problems.However the majority of folks don't even know about the problem.  Damp and mould problems are often in hidden corners of your home and many times it resides inside walls where you can’t see it. 

Health problems
Mould arising from damp walls and structures can cause a scary range of health problems.Often people suffer from allergies and cold-like symptomes such as itchy eyes and sneezing.It can be a nightmare for asthma sufferers, and there's even been a study connecting it with causing asthma during childhood.There have also been cases of serious respiratory illness arising from damp.  Another recent study even revealed a connection between mold and depression

So how does this silent predator manage to infect so many homes?  Well the first thing to say is a bit of mould is entirely normal and can be found everywhere.  But the real problems occur when it is allowed to spread and develop fungal spores.The buildup of fungal spores and mold happens when high humidity combines with poor ventilation.  Moisture builds up in a home from baths and showers, tumble dryers and cooking.  But it needs a place to go!Inadequate ventilation sometimes occurs because builders don't take care to properly damp proof a new house.Often there aren't sufficient air vents in a property.  This is becoming more and more common these days as we seal up our homes to keep the heat in and reduce energy costs.

What to do about it
With all the problems associated with mold all of us should be concerned with preventing it. It's not just for people who already have damp problems.Left unchecked it becomes a lot harder - and costlier - to deal with.  Here are some top tips on how to avoid damp buildup in your home or workplace:


  1. Dry up any build up of condensation you notice around the house within 24-48 hours.Don't forget - mold cannot survive without water in the atmosphere.
  2. Give the moisture in your house an escape route by getting proper ventilation.  Consider installing air vents or opening a window after showers.
  3. Insulate cold surfaces where condensation might collect, such as windows, pipes, roofs and external walls.
  4. It’s well worth considering investing in one of the many dehumidifiers out there to remove moisture from the atmosphere.  Certain portable air conditioners also do the job, with the added bonus of keeping you cool in the summer.
  5. Be aware of your legal rights.Once mold problems get serious they can cause serious problems that could cost you a lot. Check if your insurance policy covers mould damage. Those living in rented accomodation should ask their landlord to have damp and mold professionally looked at.


O Ye People of Dallas! Get Ready For Stricter Sprinkler Laws

Recently, the government has made some fresh state-wide regulations for the inhabitants of Texas, which state that sprinkler systems fitted in 2009 are required to be very effective when it comes to conserving water. The downside, however, is that this would cause an upsurge in expenses for homeowners who are ,by now, struggling in this harsh financial downturn.
New Texas standards regarding irrigation systems have either been implemented or are under consideration in major Texas cities that hold over 20,000 people. Dwellers of Texas are now required to get their sprinkler systems inspected; Citizens of Texas also have to abide by particular rules that would ensure higher efficiency in water consumption. So it has become necessary that you get approval for your sprinkler design by local administration, {and they don’t care if you fixed the sprinkler system yourself or called professional Dallas plumbers}.  However, getting a Dallas plumber to install can be the safer option.
But also understand that outdoor water usage during the summer season makes up approximately 50% of the overall drinking water consumption. And inefficient water consumption for gardens and other irrigation purposes results in large amounts of wastage for several reasons. Star Telegram quoted a Dallas plumbing inspector emphasizing the necessity for efficient water consumption, since the administration is finding it tough to provide clean water to the people.
But, forecasters say this may result in significantly higher prices for new sprinklers. Even though it can likely payback more than the price over its lifecycle, the long-term benefit would be visible after several months if not years; and since the overall financial situation is already bad, several citizens would rather decide not to have a sprinkler system. Sprinkler sellers are fearful that demand would reduce significantly since they predict around 60% increase in price of typical sprinkler systems.
However, if you view the whole scenario from the admistration’s viewpoint, you would realize that their decision is reasonable. It requires funds permanently to produce and maintain water supply. And inefficient use of water is ,no doubt, abuse of water.
This new regulation will result in a few new opportunities for every Dallas Plumber as several people will hire their services to install new sprinkler systems. However, sprinkler systems may decrease after this initial upsurge due to higher costs; so this tiny bubble may be accompanied by an overall decrease in sprinkler work.

Water Filters are a Healthy Home Improvement

Water is an essential component of our everyday lives, and indeed our health. That's why it's so important that the water you drink is pure. It shouldn't contain any potentially damaging chemicals that can negatively impact your health.

Most tap water contains impurities. Some of these are bacteria that managed to escape the treatment process at the water plant. There are also residual chemicals that were used to clean the water. Many people these days aren't confident that their tap water is as free of harmful particles as it could be.

That's why residential water filters have become so popular. You need to take matters into your hands if you want to be sure that the water you're drinking is clean and good for you.

It's important to have some means of ensuring that you have the best drinking water you possibly can. Any water supply that you drink from should utilize some form of filter. This can be a refrigerator water filter, a faucet water filter or just a water filtration pitcher in your refrigerator.

You might want to look at purchasing a whole home filtration system, which will treat all the water in your house at the source. These products are expensive though. They're generally only worth getting if your water supply is of dubious quality. And to add to the expense, these systems have to be installed by professionals.

Purchasing an attachment for your faucet that filters water is much easier. It's also easier on the wallet, and that's why many people choose this path. You can find a huge selection of products at most home improvement stores or online.

An absorption filter is one kind of water filter unit. These are usually carbon based or are granularly activated charcoal systems.

Another type of water filter is the particle filter. Other names for it are a micro filtration unit and a mechanical filter. This product removes particles from the water source, such as sand and harmful bacteria.

Reverse osmosis water filtration systems utilize a membrane with microscopic holes. Only water molecules are able to get through it, so it traps all the harmful particles. This type of system is highly recommended for removing chemicals, as well as minerals and metals that can be harmful to your health.

Whatever type of unit you choose, make sure to keep replacement filters on hand. A dirty filter can negate all the benefits of your water filter system.